
Facebook is getting ready to take its facial recognition feature a bit further.

The social network is considering adding Facebook profile photos to its facial recognition database in order to improve the accuracy of its “Tag Suggest” feature, AllThingsD reports.

The way it works now is that the feature identifies faces based on older photos that the person was previously tagged in. But in the future, Facebook may use your profile picture as the basis for suggesting photo tags.

Da Facebook Facial Recognition Database – Business Insider.

Autore: eDue

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Un commento su “Cheeeese”

  1. A me questa tecnologia che riconosce i volti mi inquieta. Quando lessi, qualche anno fa, che poteva farlo anche la mia macchina fotografica da 100 euro rimasi perplesso. Per fare che? Scarso ero e scarso sono rimasto nella qualità delle foto.

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