HTML5 is a W3C Recommendation


The HTML Working Group today published HTML5 as W3C Recommendation. This specification defines the fifth major revision of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the format used to build Web pages and applications, and the cornerstone of the Open Web Platform.

HTML5 brings to the Web video and audio tracks without needing plugins; programmatic access to a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which is useful for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly; native support for scalable vector graphics (SVG) and math (MathML); annotations important for East Asian typography (Ruby); features to enable accessibility of rich applications; and much more.


Autore: eDue

Bieco illuminista

2 pensieri riguardo “HTML5 is a W3C Recommendation”

  1. Steve non ha mai capito un cazzo di nulla che riguardasse la parte tecnica, arrivando a spigare a quelli di Corning come si fa il vetro.
    Inoltre era convinto che sui dispositivi iOS NON dovesse essere consentito installare applicazioni perché avrebbero rovinato la UX e quindi i profitti di AAPL.
    Un genio puro, altroché…

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