Marillion ‘Unconventional’

The story of the 2015 Marillion Weekend.
Featuring in-depth interviews and stunning live footage, ‘Unconventional’ takes you behind the scenes of this unique event.

Filmed at Center Parcs, Port Zélande & during the run up to the weekend itself, this documentary explores the band’s rehearsal process, the production of Marillion’s show media and what’s involved in putting together such an unusual and complex event.

Autore: eDue

Bieco illuminista

2 pensieri riguardo “Marillion ‘Unconventional’”

  1. Erano in autobus con me, proprio questa mattina… e mi è tornata in mente l’emozione del primo ascolto di “Clutching at Straw”. Pensavo non ci potesse essere vita dopo “Childhood’s End”.

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