The Top Ten Classic Six-Cylinders Ever – Petrolicious


And finally, #1… the Alfa Romeo Busso V6–
There are engines that were produced for longer or in greater numbers or with better performance. But the Busso (named for designer Mr. Giuseppe Busso) V6, which began development in the early 1970s and has been built in a variety of displacements (we prefer the 2.5L), is simply the most glorious sounding six cylinder ever. You should be so lucky as to drive a car equipped with a Busso V6 just so you can listen to the song when you downshift. It is symphonious and really don’t we all just want a car to sing?

Io ho avuto la versione più sfigata del V6 Busso, la 2.0 CEM, su una Alfa 90 omonima.
Ed ho capito perché alcuno lo chiamano “il violino di Arese”.
Era la cosa più sexy cui potessi pensare, nonostante età ed ormoni.

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Autore: eDue

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