Getting Your Devices and Data Over the U.S. Border

Contrary to some popular opinion, the U.S. Constitution does apply at U.S. border crossings, so U.S. citizens have rights of free speech and association, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, and freedom from forced self-incrimination.

However, U.S. border agents also have broader powers than U.S. police officers, including the ability to conduct warrantless searches of vehicles, luggage, and other possessions. Put another way: in the United States a police officer can’t pull you over, then search and disassemble your car unless they have probable cause and a warrant approved by a judge. However, a border officer can, no warrant needed.

Da Getting Your Devices and Data Over the U.S. Border – TidBITS

Autore: eDue

Bieco illuminista

Un commento su “Getting Your Devices and Data Over the U.S. Border”

  1. Grazie per l’interessantissima segnalazione. Avevo sentito che potevano chiedere le password dei social network… non che abbia gran che da “nascondere”, neanche ho un account Facebook.. il mio problema è che le password non me le ricordo… e mi seccherebbe dovergli aprire 1Password.

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