New Internet Explorer 7 Tax

Today at Kogan we’ve implemented the world’s first “Internet Explorer 7 Tax”. The new 6.8% tax comes into effect today on all products purchased from by anyone still insistent on using the antique browser.

But don’t worry, unlike other taxes, we’re making it easy to get around this one with a simple upgrade away from IE7 :).

The way we’ve been able to keep our prices so low is by using technology to make our business efficient and streamlined. One of the things stopping that is our web team having to spend a lot of time making our new website look normal on IE7. This is an extremely old browser, so from today, anyone buying from the site who uses IE7 will be lumped with a 6.8% surcharge – that’s 0.1% for each month IE7 has been on the market

It’s not only costing us a huge amount, it’s affecting any business with an online presence, and costing the Internet economy millions.

Da: New Internet Explorer 7 Tax 🙂 –

Grazie ad EC per la segnalazione.

Autore: eDue

Bieco illuminista

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