Homo Homini Uber

Another sign that Uber is concerned? Last week, David Plouffe, the former Obama campaign manager, who is now the head of policy and strategy at Uber, introduced a study commissioned by Uber showing that 78 percent of drivers said they were “satisfied” driving for Uber and 71 percent said their income had improved. The statistically insignificant study, culled from 601 drivers (only 11 percent of those surveyed), was co-authored by Princeton University economist Alan Krueger, who overlapped with Plouffe as an advisor to President Obama.

Liss-Riordan said there are drivers working 60 or 70 hours a week who don’t even make minimum wage after gas and other expenses are factored in. Uber and Lyft “tried to shift the cost of running a car company to their drivers,” she added. “Both companies have saved a massive amount of labor cost.”

C’è solo un modo per battere lo scadentissimo servizio taxi, esaltarne le negatività.

Da Before Uber revolutionizes labor, it's going to have to explain these embarrassing emails | The Verge.

Autore: eDue

Bieco illuminista

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