Ma farsi i cazzi propri no, eh?!

Schermata 2013-03-15 alle 12.47.24

Ogni aggiornamento di sistema fa sparire la cartella Library dell’utente.
Ora, io capisco l’onanismo cupertiniano, ma una

if (chflags nohidden ~/Library/ == TRUE) { fatti i cazzi tuoi }

proprio no eh?!
Comunque, par renderla nuovamente visibile

sudo chflags nohidden ~/Library/

Ah, naturalmente adesso i Graphics Tools for Xcode non funzionano più

Schermata 2013-03-15 alle 23.34.40

esattamente come era successo a gennaio scorso1:

Graphics Tools for Xcode – January 2013
This package includes additional graphics tools formerly bundled in the Xcode installer. These tools include: OpenGL Profiler, OpenGL Shader Builder, Pixie, Quartz Composer, Quartz Debug, and the CI Filter Browser widget for Dashboard. These graphics tools support running on OS X Mountain Lion.


Pare che siamo punto e daccapo anche con i problemi di Time Machine2.

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  1. eDue – Apple Xcode 4.4 e Icon Composer
  2. eDue – Sputtlight [4u]

Internazionale » L’oroscopo si sbaglia

Se anche fosse vero che i pianeti influenzano la vita delle persone a seconda dei segni zodiacali, nessun oroscopo potrà mai indovinare il vostro futuro. Per un motivo molto semplice: il vostro segno non è quello giusto.

Secondo l’astrologia, infatti, il segno di una persona dipende dalla costellazione – cioè dal punto del cielo – in cui si vede sorgere il sole al momento della sua nascita.

Ma le date dello zodiaco usate ancora oggi sono state fissate duemila anni fa e da allora l’asse terrestre si è spostato, facendo cambiare il panorama celeste. E così oggi nelle date della Bilancia il sole in realtà passa per la Vergine.

Da: Internazionale » L’oroscopo si sbaglia.

Commonly used Broadcom Wi-Fi chipset vulnerable to attack | Electronista

Proof-of-concept example code shows a vulnerability in the firmware of two wireless chips sold by Broadcom — the BCM4325 and the BCM4329. The chips are found in recent devices such as the iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2, HTC Droid Incredible 2, Motorola Droid X2, and some Edge model cards manufactured by Ford. The flaw makes the devices vulnerable to attacks that render the Wi-Fi connection unusable for the duration of the attack.”The only requirement to exploit the vulnerability is to have a wireless card that supports raw inject of 802.11 frames,” Andrés Blanco, a researcher from Core Security told Ars Technica. A complete list of devices affected by this flaws available at the Core Security website.Once the assault is over, the attacked device works normally. Other features of the device are unaffected by the Wi-Fi disruption. “We are not sure that we could retrieve private user data but we are going to look into this,” Blanco said.

Da: Commonly used Broadcom Wi-Fi chipset vulnerable to attack | Electronista.

Announcing Web Platform Docs

Announcing Web Platform Docs
08 October 2012 W3C, in collaboration with Adobe, Facebook, Google, HP, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nokia, Opera, and others, announced today the alpha release of Web Platform Docs ( This is a new community-driven site that aims to become a comprehensive and authoritative source for web developer documentation. With Web Platform Docs, web professionals will save time and resources by consulting with confidence a single site for current, cross-browser and cross-device coding best practices.

“People in the web community — including browser makers, authoring tool makers, and leading edge developers and designers — have tremendous experience and practical knowledge about the web,” said Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director. “Web Platform Docs is an ambitious project where all of us who are passionate about the web can share knowledge and help one another.”

Da:W3C News Archive: 2012 W3C.

Maggiori informazioni su

Mac OS X 10.7.5, Spotlight e Time Machine (Una soluzione ai problemi di -) [u]

Se avete riscontrato il problema a Spotlight e quindi time Machine derivante dall’aggiornamento del Mac OS X 10.7.51, trovate una possibile soluzione (a me ha funzionato) su Zooid:

Zooid – Mac OS X 10.7.5, Spotlight e Time Machine (Una soluzione ai problemi di -).

Aggiornamento supplementare 1.0 a Mac OS X 10.7.5

About OS X Lion 10.7.5 Supplemental Update
The OS X v10.7.5 Supplemental Update is recommended for all users running OS X Lion v10.7.5 and includes the following fixes:
Resolves an issue that may cause Time Machine backups to take a very long time to complete
Addresses an issue that prevents certain applications signed with a Developer ID from launching

The Supplemental Update is recommended if you installed the Mac OS X Lion v10.7.5 Update build 11G56.It is not needed if you install the Mac OS X Lion v10.7.5 Update build 11G63.

Da: OS X Lion 10.7.5 Supplemental Update.

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  1. eDue – Sputtlight [3u]