HTC Wildfire A3333 e Firefox Mobile per Android

Brevemente, Firefox per Android2 NON si può installare sul Wildfire perché avendo un processore della serie ARMv6 NON è compatibile3 e non lo sarà4.

Se a questo aggiungete che Google1 ha chiuso i sorgenti di Honycomb (o Android 3.0 se preferite) e che Firefox è un progetto aperto e quindi.
E quindi un cazzo.
La sensazione è che tutti costoro vorrebbero che invece che fare la fila davanti ai negozi Apple, chi compra Android la facesse, magari col doppio delle frequenza visto il costo minore di questi cazzetti con Android sopra, davanti ai loro.

Solo che non ce l’hanno e sbandierano l’open source ed il free software contro il nemico.
Che anche per loro è il cliente pensante.

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  1. eDue – Clopen Source
  2. Mozilla Foundation – Mozilla Firefox | Firefox per Android o Nokia N900 (IT)
  3. Mozilla Foundation – Supported Devices and System Requirements (US EN)
  4. Mozilla Wiki – Firefox for Android (US EN)

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Segue da:

  1. eDue – HTC Wildfire A3333 e Mac (#8233262856* Vol. 2)
  2. eDue – HTC Wildfire A3333 e Mac – Android 2.2 Froyo
  3. eDue – HTC Wildfire A3333 e Mac – (Non molto) ActiveSync
  4. eDue – HTC Wildfire A3333 e Mac – Orientamento
  5. eDue – HTC Wildfire A3333 e Mac – Sincronizzazione
  6. eDue – HTC Wildfire A3333 e Mac (#8233262856* Vol. 4)

Clopen Source

Google has closed availability of the source code to Android 3.0 Honeycomb, explaining that the tablet-oriented software was not ready for use on smartphones and that the company didn’t want outside developers or enthusiasts experimenting with it in unauthorized ways.1

“Unauthorized ways”?!

* * *

  1. AppleInsider –

Polimorfisno (Vol. II)


Sul libro Programming in Objective C 2.0 di Stephen G Kochan (ISBN 978-0-321-56615-7), Addison Wesley, si dice che:

Chapter 9
Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding
Polimorphism enables programs to be developed so that objects from different classes can define methods that share the same name.

Che fa il paio con questo:

Ora, sarà che penso troppo Java ma continuo a ritenere questa definizione una tautologia rispetto al concetto di classe, oggetto e metodo, oppure una sonora vaccata.

Io il polimorfismo lo vedrei piuttosto così:

// ClassC.h

#import "ClassA.h"

@interface ClassC : ClassA

- (void) printVar: (char*) s;
- (void) printVar: (char*) s : (char*) t;

// ClassC.m

#import "ClassC.h"

@implementation ClassC

- (void) printVar: (char*) s
printf ("%s: %i\r", s, x);
- (void) printVar: (char*) s: (char*) t
printf ("%s di %s: %i\n", s, t, x);


Lieto di essere smentito, motivatamente.

OpenJDK for Mac OS X source repository, mailing list, project home


* Subject: Announcing: OpenJDK for Mac OS X source repository, mailing list, project home
* From: Mike Swingler
* Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 01:49:21 -0800

Java Developers,

I’m very happy to let you know that today we made the first public contribution of code to the OpenJDK project for Mac OS X. This initial contribution builds on the hard work of the BSD port, and initially has the same functionality. Today’s contribution simply modifies the build process to create universal binary, and produces a .jdk bundle which is recognized by Java Preferences and the JVM detection logic in Mac OS X.

For more information about the Mac OS X Port project, please check out these resources:
Project home: <>
Project wiki & getting started instructions: <>
Project status: <>
Mailing list: <>
Source repository: <>

For those of you who would like to join us hacking on the next generation of Java for Mac OS X, please join our mailing list, download the source, and spin a build for yourself.

It has been a long road getting to this point collaborating behind the scenes with Sun and now Oracle, but as of today we are on the road to fully open development of the Mac OS X port. We look forward to providing more code from our collaboration soon, and working with you all.

Best regards,
Mike Swingler
Java Engineering
Apple Inc.


Da Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C © Apple Inc. del 2008-11-19.

Overloading: The terms “polymorphism” and “argument overloading” refer basically to the same thing, but from slightly different points of view. Polymorphism takes a pluralistic point of view and notes that several classes can each have a method with the same name. Argument overloading takes the point of the view of the method name and notes that it can have different effects depending on the arguments passed to it. Operator overloading is similar. It refers to the ability to turn operators of the language (such as == and + in C) into methods that can be assigned particular meanings for particular kinds of objects. Objective-C implements polymorphism of method names, but not argument or operator overloading.

Forse sono troppo legato a Java, e il fatto che adesso sia in mano a Oracle mi fa cercare delle alternative anche di nicchia in maniera irrazionale, ma se questo è il polimorfismo dell’Objective-C…

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